Uxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge HistoryUxbridge History October 12, 2022

The Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel – 1868

The Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel – 1868

The above photo taken in 2020 shows the Commercial Hotel in its present location at 37 Main Street N.   The building was home to the Hobby Horse Arms for many years, which featured one of the largest single malt scotch collection in the greater GTA.  There was a pub located on the lower level serving their full menu along with the patio in the summer months. There was also  a Wine Bar located on the main level and was available on request for private parties & special events.  After serving the Uxbridge Community and visitors for many years the building was sold in 2020 and is now home to Main Street Pools.


History of the The Commercial Hotel

The images below show the building at its original location on Brock Street E just east of Main Street.   Here is where it had a long history of as a hotel, a livery stable and later apartments and offices.

Photographer Unknown,  taken from the Growing Up In Uxbridge Facebook Group.

The Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel when it was located on Brock Street


The Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel when it was located on Brock Street


In November of 1981 the building was raised and moved to its present day location.  The photo below taken Al Dunlop, photographer for the Toronto Star shows the building being moved west along Brock Street and then north on Main Street to its new home.

Photo taken Al Dunlop, photographer for the Toronto Star shows the building being moved west along Brock Street


The original site is now home to Trinity Manor Apartments, a 40 unit apartment building comprised of one bedroom apartments for seniors who are living independently.

Trinity Manor Apartments,

Trinity Manor Apartments,