Quaker Meeting House
or the Friends Meeting House

Quaker Friends Meeting House. Photo courtesy of Uxbridge The First 100 Years by: J. Peter Hvidsten. Page 161
When Built
According to the Quaker Meeting House’s website the building is the oldest structure in Uxbridge.
It was built in 1820 and replaced an older building from 1809. Located on Quaker Hill over looking
Uxbridge from the west.
The following is taken from the Quaker Meeting House website
History of the Quaker Meeting House
The present board and batten meeting house ( 1820) is the oldest building in Uxbridge Township. An interior partition in the centre created separate areas for men and women. Around 1881 the partition was moved and a small Sunday School area was created at one end. During the renovation the west door and window on the South wall were switched, changing the architectural symmetry of the building.
The hand hewn pine pews are of 2 types; open backs to accommodate a woman’s bustle and closed backs for men.
The main source of lighting was from a centre hung brass lamp with small coal lamps around the perimeter. A wood stove in the middle of the room (since removed) supplied heat.
In 1995 the building was raised and a concrete block foundation was installed.”
An Annual Remembrance Service is held on the second Sunday in June at 2:30 p.m. All and everyone is invited
Weddings are welcomed at the Meeting House, but conditions are primitive with no hydro or running water. There is no charge for weddings, however we have always received a generous donation towards the upkeep.
More information can be found at: