The Roxy Theatre

The above photo courtesy of Uxbridge The Good Old Days By J. Peter Hvidsten shows what the theatre looked like in 50’s
History of the Roxy Theatre
The quonset-style building was originally built in 1949 at the corner of Brock Street and Toronto Street. It opened as the RIO Theatre and in 1951 the name was changed to the ROXY when the Theatre Amusement Company purchased it. In the 1970’s the theatre was closed and then reopened as a drug store. All of our youth we remember it as a drug store. Half of the building was a drug store/pharmacy and the other half was a souvenir/gift store. Not sure of the year but the outside was used in a Guardian Pharmacy Christmas commercial. First there was the excitement of watching them film a snowy commercial during the summer months, and then watching it on TV.

The above photo courtesy of the Uxbridge Times-Journal shows the building after it was renovated and converted to Davie Pharmacy in the 1970’s
Reopening of the Roxy
The entire building was renovated, restored and reopened again as The Roxy Theatre on December 13th 1996. Until it was reopened as a theatre we would have to travel to Oshawa, Newmarket or Pickering to watch a movie. Now thanks to Cathy and Mark Christoff, Uxbridge residents could watch first run movies on two different screens with state-of-the-art digital projection and sound equipment all while enjoying movie theatre popcorn and being surrounded by movie nostalgia.
Visit The Roxy Theatre online here
Photos Courtesy of
Uxbridge The Good Old Days By J. Peter Hvidsten
Uxbridge Times-Journal