Uxbridge Music Hall

Above – The Uxbridge Music Hall – CIRCA 1970. Photo courtesy of Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten Page 171
The Ontario Hall
In the 1850’s the hamlet of Uxbridge saw a large population expansion. Thus, a place for citizens to come together for meetings, socializing, entertaining and for business arose. Around 1865 a piece of land was leased where the present building now stands and the Ontario Hall was erected. In 1893 the Ontario Hall was destroyed by fire.
The photo above taken from the west side of Wheler’s Pond shows the rear of the Ontario Hall which burned in 1893.
Uxbridge Music Hall
On October 19, 1901 the corner stone was laid for the new building and on December 19th of the same year the Music Hall had its grand opening.
The bricks of the new hall were poured in Greenbank and while they where drying some cats left their mark in some bricks. If you look closely some of the bricks above the corner stone on the right of the front door have cat paws imprints.
Today the Music Hall is a well known local landmark and is a thriving cultural centre often used for live theatre and concerts.
The Uxbridge Cultural Heritage Walking Tour
Uxbridge – The First 100 Years by: J. Peter Hvidsten
Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten