Uxbridge Arena and Recreation Centre

Uxbridge Arena built in the early 1920’s. Photo courtesy of Uxbridge The First 100 Years by J. Peter Hvidsten Page 169
Pictured above is the Uxbridge Arena built in the early 1920’s. It was located on Marietta Street, where the Seniors Centre is today. Following a hockey game in 1935 the building burned to the ground.

Aerial view of the arena that replaced the one that burnt down. Photo courtesy of Uxbridge The Good Old Days by J. Peter Hvidsten Page 136
In this aerial view you can see the arena that replaced the one that burnt down. On the right side of the photo you can see the curling rink, which is still in use today. To the south of the arena was a large soccer/recreation field. The UxPool now sits to the south of the curling rink.

The Uxbridge Arena and Recreation Centre was built in 1978.
Pictured above is the present day arena (2021). The Uxbridge Arena and Recreation Centre was built in 1978. In 1997 a second ice pad was added. The facility in winter is home to a variety of hockey and skating clubs and programs. During the summer it is used for lacrosse and large events.
Over the years more recreation facilities have been added to the area surrounding the arena. The area now features the Uxbridge Lawn Bowling Club, The Bonner Boys Splash Pad, tennis courts and a baseball diamond.

Bonner Boys Splash Pad
Photo Credits
Uxbridge The Good Old Days, By J. Peter Hvidsten
Uxbridge The First 100 Years, By J. Peter Hvidsten