Uxbridge HistoryUxbridge History July 12, 2023

The Uxbridge Creamery

The Uxbridge Creamery

 Toronto Street South and Mill Street

The Uxbridge Creamery

Seen here is the Uxbridge Creamery at Toronto Street South and Mill Street. The building was located just down the hill on Mills St on the north side.


The Uxbridge Creamery building originally was constructed by Joseph Gould and his son around 1886 on the north side Mill Street just east of Toronto Street.  The Gould’s would go on to run a successful business spinning wool here for many years.

It is believed sometime around the 1920’s the building was converted into a creamery.

The Uxbridge Creamery

It is believed sometime around the 1920’s the building was converted into a creamery.


The creamery is shown here as it was being torn down in 1972.


The building operated as a creamery for many years and in 1972 the building was torn down.  The chimney stood for many years and was a land mark for local residences until it was finally torn down.


The approximate location of the chimney before it was demolished.


The photo above shows the approximate location of the chimney before it was demolished to make room for the house we see there today.


Old Creamery Photos courtesy of: Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten


Read more about the history in Uxbridge in our Uxbridge History Blog


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