The Bascom House Hotel

The above photo (date unknown) shows the Bascom House when it was operated as a hotel. Photo Credit: Uxbridge The First 100 Years by: J. Peter Hvidsten

Photo courtesy of J. Peter Hvidsten
The Bascom House Hotel was built in 1884 on the north side of Brock Street right where Bascom Street meets Brock Street. It was used as a hotel until 1920 when it was sold to Harold Cave, the owner of The North Ontario Times. Mr. Cave moved his offices and printing machines into his newly acquired building. In 1930 he then purchased the Uxbridge Journal and combined the two papers to form the Uxbridge Times-Journal. The Uxbridge Times-Journal ran out of this building until it was moved to a brand new location at 20 Bascom Street in November, 1957 (now the home of Chances Are).

The above photo courtesy of Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten shows the building in 1954 when it was the home of the Uxbridge Times-Journal.
After the Uxbridge Times-Journal moved out the Bascom House sat empty until it was purchased by Jack and Evelyn Morrison who then opened a restaurant on the main level called Evelyn’s Grill. In 1960 Jack and Evelyn then opened Hotel Evelyn with four rooms on the second floor.

Jack and Evelyn Morrison (shown above) where the owners of the Hotel Evelyn and Evelyn’s Grill. Photo courtesy of Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten
The Building Today
Over the years other businesses have come and gone.
Now the upper floor is divided into apartments and the main level houses two retail locations.
The Bascom House/Hotel as it is seen today. Photo was taken in January 2023
Heritage Uxbridge plaque on the outside of the building.
Source and Photo Credits:
Uxbridge The First 100 Years by: J. Peter Hvidsten
Uxbridge The Good Old Days by: J. Peter Hvidsten
Hot Off The Press – History of Print – Uxbridge/Port Perry by: J. Peter Hvidsten