Uxbridge HistoryUxbridge History January 24, 2024

20 Bascom Street Uxbridge

20 Bascom Street Uxbridge

In November 1957 the Uxbridge Times Journal moved from its Brock Street location to its new building at 20 Bascom Street.   At this time the paper was owned by Per & Leila Hvidsten.  The main floor of the new building had a room to display and sell office supplies and typewriters, office space and the Hvidstens apartment.  The lower level was home to all the printing press machinery.

The building became home to the Township offices on the main level and the police department on the lower level after the Times Journal moved to its new location at 191 Main Street in 1975.    Over the years the building was also been the home for a lawyers office and is now home to Chances Are.



Photo Source and Credits

Historic photo courtesy of:

Hot Off The Press – History of Uxbridge Print by:  J. Peter Hvidsten


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